Sweaty, Hairy, Rotund…

Rice and beans… Monsters of all kinds

Archive for the tag “ren and stimpy”

John K made me do it!

John Kricfalusi, better known as John K,  is the man at fault for  birthing the insane duo known as Ren and Stimpy. The impact this cartoon had on me was severe. I had never seen what was in my head on the television before and  the way John K did it made me push more of what was in there out. The gross out humor and dark comedy lain out in his animation and stories showed me there was a place for what i loved. The extreme close-ups that highlight the most disturbing details of the character’s  were my some of my favorite parts. The surreal nature of many of the story lines and jokes were excellent. His influence has stayed with me and many of my drawings to this very day. More so when there’s alcohol involved. He did what many didn’t  do at that time, especially on Nickelodeon. He barfed and farted in the face of many and laid a heap of innuendos at us kids. Nudge nudge wink wink…


“Bartholomew” Boneware and Acrylic paint

Many of my creations have some sort of lineage pointing back to the bulging eyes of Ren Hoek or the slack-jawed, dangling tongue of Stimpy. I pay homage all the time without even realizing it until someone asks if i watched a lot of “Ren and Stimpy”.I reply, “Hells yeah my brosef!”….well not really, but in my mind I do….except for brosef. I don’t really say that.

John K’s style has added a lot to my sense of the grotesque and toilet humor. We all have some of that sense but i feel that watching his stuff helped me hone my grossness. well, him and Garbage pail kids…but that’s for another post….

Anyways,  I found this picture online on Deviant art. the woman said she met John in a bar and didn’t believe it was really him. She made him show his I.D. and he then drew this picture for her.


I look at this and think that this is sooo very me….sitting at a bar drawing vile but cute things.

"Burpy amphibiguy"

 This is what I do. And I do it all the better thanks to many things in my life, many things I’ve experienced, but i give a big nod to John K for showing me there was and is a place for nose goblins to flourish. Thank you for my space madness….now i can’t sleep….

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